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1. Does this novel have villains and heroes? Why, why not? If yes, who fits into these categories and why?

The novel, The Great Gatsby, possibly has numerous villains but you must look had to find a hero. So called villains of the story are, in my mind, people who have done wrong which is nearly everyone. There is no one that contributes to the story that has done everything right or has not started any trouble. Tom cheated on his wife. Myrtle cheated on her husband. Daisy cheated on her husband and even accidently killed Myrtle. Jordan is as unmoral as anyone. Gatsby can be said to be the one to initiate all the conflict, he started the trouble and who knows what he did in his "business". Wilson murdered Gatsby. And Nick, the one who could be said to contain the least evil of the whole lot, sat back and witnessed all of this without an action. No one is innocent in this story but also no one was fought against for a rampage of evil deeds. This book is filled with people who did bad things but i would not characterize them as villains. This story is simply one of immoral action with no significant villain who owns them all and no hero to put a stop to them. (Bruccoli: 55).

2. Nick is both part of the action and acting as an objective commentator. Does this narration style work?

This narration styles works to an extent. In terms of the reader, he/she gets all of the information that he/she could possibly need because Nick is a part of the book's actions, interacts throughout the novel, and has such a strong and trusting connection to so many of the characters. Therefore, he is able to present the reader with an abundant ...
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