Gastroscopy Procedure

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Gastroscopy Procedure


Mr. Patel is a 64 year old Asian man. He presented himself in A and E with acute abdominal pain. On assessment his vital signs were as follows, BP 150/50, Pulse 67, and Saturations 100%. He was given paracetamol in order to ease the pain but soon he was referred to gastroscopy. Therefore, he was transferred to endoscopy unit. Mr. Patel was a non English speaker hence requires an interpreter for his communication and makes him understand about the treatment he was being given at that time. Effective communication between old people and the service providers is a very essential part for providing quality care (Hull, Redfern & Shuttleworth, 2005). Good communication buttress the processes implicated in care planning, assessment and development of therapeutic dealings between service providers and the old people. In this case although the service provider belongs to different culture but still his profession does not allow him to bring any type of cultural biasness in his services. Every patient is equal in the eyes of the service provider (Spector, 2004). It is unprofessional if he/she does any type of favoritism or shows any misconduct or disrespect to any of his patient.

It is essential to acknowledge the cultural differences and the needs of culturally different people because a patient may have any ethnic background, he may belong to any race, creed, social class and culture. Different cultures have their own different traditions, beliefs and living standards. They have their own way of living and they respond with their corresponding culture. Therefore, in order to effectively manage the patient and deal him accordingly it is mandatory to know about his culture predominantly and then treat him so to provide him with all the very best services he/she may require (Nursing, 2012). It is first and foremost duty of a nurse to treat all the patients equally taking care of all their needs regardless of their ethnic background, color, caste, race, creed, language, and social class. Based on the culture of the patient, he/she may have different requirements for the treatment. The dress code requirement, the use of drugs and the way he/she being treated are some of the examples that may occur differently in different cultures. Every culture has its own requirement in the manner in which he/she wants to get treated. If the process differs the patient may get a hit directly or indirectly on his/her moral or ethical values.

The requirements of that old guy were to make him understand each and every treatment he is being given first and then he needs himself to be touched for treatment. Now in this case endoscopy requires the inside look in the gullet of the patient. If this information is being provided to patient he will definitely not allow the doctor to look inside for appropriate treatment. In gastroscopy, a tube is passed into the gullet/stomach of the patient through mouth opening (Nursing, 2012). This information may not be given to the patient instead bring him ...