Gap Year

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High School Graduates Should Take a Year Off Before Entering College

High School Graduates Should Take a Year Off Before Entering College


Canadian students take a break between high school and post secondary education often do so for pragmatic reasons, namely to earn money to finance their studies. If the postponement of post-secondary education has both risks and benefits, it is clear that obtaining a post secondary credential has an advantage, regardless of whether the students concerned whether or not chosen to take a break at the end of high school.

Educational Pathways of Young Canadians

It is a fact that a gap of a year between high school, and post secondary education is common in the United Kingdom and Australia. This is less so in Canada, but 27.8% of young Canadians still choose to take a break of at least four months after graduation from high school, they are called "hikers” (White, 2009).

The Reasons for the Postponement of Post-Secondary Education

Students choose to delay their post-secondary education for many reasons: desire to travel, for better preparation of further education, take the time to reflect on their field of interest, etc. It appears that the primary reason for the postponement to take financial considerations. Students from low-income families and lower end of the socioeconomic pyramid are more likely than others to postpone the start of their post-secondary education. It is also the case of students not holding scholarships or grants as well as those who, during high school, worked over 20 hours per week (Shellenbarger, 2010). It seems that it is the desire to earn money to finance their education that grows a large proportion of hikers to pause at the end of high school.

The Risks and Benefits of a Break between High School and Post-secondary

Taking a break between high ...
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