Gangs In The United States

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Gangs in the United States

Gangs in the United States


The Purpose of this research paper is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge relating to gangs in U.S. Gangs in U.S. are not a new phenomenon. It has started with the African, Mexican, and other immigrants. The research will elaborate how the gangs are affecting the societies and communities in America. There are adverse affects of these gangs and they are increasing in numbers. It has become important to highlight the issue of gangs in America. Since the 19th century, dangerous gangs roam, in the streets of major American cities carry out their criminal activities and viciously defend their territory with their lives and those of their enemies. According to the FBI, there would be in the United States 20 000 such organizations that would bring together more than one million members (Walker, et al., 2007).

Over time, criminal groups organize themselves better and better, their methods make money multiply and become more sophisticated, which requires that agencies of law enforcement to put even more efforts to control their activities. The gangs listed in this gallery are at the top of the list of the most watched. They are the most powerful and most likely to disturb public order (Tonry, 2000).

Contribution in Literature Review

The research will study the comprehensive researches and peer reviewed researches, which will be analyzed and will be compared. There will be significant concepts of how gangs in America are affecting the society. The research will be published in the Criminal Justice Journal, which will emphasize new aspects of Gangs in America. Although there are several studies of Gangs, however, this area of study will focus on the contemporary issues of gangs and how they have changed in the past years.

Research Question

Have the increasing Gangs in US resulted ...
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