Gangs In The Correctional System

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Impact of Gangs in the Correctional System in California

Impact of Gangs in the Correctional System in California


The main purpose of this paper is analyze the impact of gang in the correctional system in California. The best way to ensure public safety while the long term, as research has shown, is to promote reintegration, gradual, structured and safe offenders in the community, subject to conditions and surveillance measures.

In California, the biggest challenge for a gang prison is the administration issue. This paper discusses the impact of gangs in correctional system of California.

This overview of the correctional system in California was prepared to understand how citizens and civic, community leaders as well as how the federal system works. He explains how - through custody and supervision of safe and humane - the system helps offenders to their rehabilitation and safe reintegration into the community.


Prison violence is supposed to be a crucial problem in California. According to the California Department of Corrections, to count the impact of prison gang members in Californian system is difficult.

The proliferation of gangs and gang activity in California society has become a source of concern nationally. This question also concerns the Correctional Service of California (CSC), which houses much of the population of street gangs in its prisons. Recently, CSC has recognized the special problems posed by members of street gangs and their activities for safety and operations of schools. Accordingly, CSC is actively assessing best practices in managing gangs.

This document contains the results of a study of the literature on street gangs, whose goal was to help the CSC to formulate policies, establish procedures and guide future research. We present the various definitions of the gang, the history of street gangs and the current extent of this phenomenon, both in prisons and in the community, California. Next, we review the theories of gang formation, and then we look at intervention strategies and their effectiveness to identify the most effective ways to prevent gang involvement and to intervene with gang members. Finally, we examine the lessons that CSC can take all of this information.

The social scientists do not agree on a common definition of the term "gang". The main obstacle to a universal definition is the changing dynamics of the gang (or any other group) over time. Definitions vary according to the standards of economic, political, social and cultural. So there is no uniformity in both books that Americans in the California literature, regarding the definition of the word "gang".

The phenomenon of street gangs is not new. We report the activities of street gangs in England, Germany, Switzerland and France in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. In North America, street gangs have emerged at a time when society has been divided into classes based on ethnicity and race, when the industrial revolution and European immigration. Other gangs were formed in response to low social status, engaging in criminal activity by as much rebelliousness as for ...
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