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London based study which can identify how 'gangs' operate and describe how young people become involved in 'gangs'

A London based study which can identify how 'gangs' operate and describe how young people become involved in 'gangs'

Subject of this research

“A London based study which can identify how 'gangs' operate and describe how young people become involved in 'gangs'”.

Summary of research designs and methods

As with any type of inquiry there should be a question about what the researcher wants to know. This will lead to the other aspects of the inquiry such as; what type of investigative process to use: qualitative, or quantitative, or a combination of both? And then what does the researcher hope to accomplish by conducting the study; i.e., will it influence theory.

Quantitative research uses scientific methods to investigate phenomena and address issues and problems (Creswell 2005, 27). These methods utilize an objective manner that enhances the reliability of the knowledge and reduces biases. Qualitative research answers questions and explores new knowledge in a natural environment. This approach attempts to understand all aspects of people's behaviours, attitudes, and experiences. To address the research questions, the qualitative approach depends on four main data collections strategies: participation, observation, interviews, and analysis (Davies, 2007, 25). Qualitative research explores a given phenomenon in order to provide further understanding and enhanced knowledge. Qualitative research questions are generally broad and the numbers of subjects in the study can be small (Burns & Grove, 2005). In qualitative methods, the researcher depends on the observations or experiences of the participants. Creswell (2005) stated that numeric data and analysis through statistics formed the basis for quantitative research. Questions were more apt to be specific and involve large numbers of participants. Statistics allowed the researcher to recognize trends and ultimately find ways to explain the relationships of the subjects to the element studied, or vice versa (Creswell, 2005, 27).

In summary, both the quantitative and the qualitative approach are used for this type of the study. It has proved beneficial to explore and explain important issues within the different disciplines. Using both approaches offered important scientific knowledge that answered many questions and addressed multiple issues. Qualitative and quantitative approaches could be complementary to one another Creswell (2005). Using both methods could produce stronger evidence to use within multiple fields, particularly within Subject (Creswell, 2005, 27)

Suitable design to be considered

The suitable design that is required to be considered for this type of study is mixed method approach. It includes important advantages that are within the context of the proposed study. One benefit of using this approach is that both research stages facilitate implementing, describing, and dissemination of knowledge. Another advantage to using this approach is that it develops and expands a particular phenomenon and provides further clarification of the qualitative knowledge Bell (1993). This approach facilitates the recognition, acceptance, and approval of the research community that may be less familiar with naturalistic strategy.

Two types of research

Using mix methodology will be beneficial for this type of ...
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