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What factors predispose an individual to become a member of a gang?

What factors predispose an individual to become a member of a gang?


A criminal gang or gang is a group of individuals who share a common ideology; largely caused by their association. One of their characteristic is their readiness to use violence against other gangs and to extend it against just about anyone. They engage in criminal activities, in nature and intensity variables, from this point of view; their representation in the show business industry is quite unrealistic. The notion of organized crime figures in the semantic network of the word gang. The gangs also found in prison, where some born and swarm to the outside world.

Origin of the Youth Gang

The family being the foundation of society is also the origin, the vast majority of the social problems that exists, since it develops habits that generate the behaviour of each member and their impact on society ( Gangs arise because some young people feel they do not give enough opportunity for integration, due to a variety of factors both of the family environment and the external environment. Gangs can be of very different features, and engage in very different actions; most are formed in the lower social strata, though not unaware of the existence of gangs in the high social strata. Rich gangs are more dangerous because their purchasing power gives them greater access to weapons and hard drugs.

Emergence of Social Problems Such As Youth Gangs

The best method that can be applied to avoid problems arising from juvenile delinquency is, to try where possible to maintain family harmony, which involves many aspects once and for all with effort but especially parents, as directors of the home. You can introduce in family life and keep up the pace needed for the sole purpose of getting the children to have the most optimal training, so they can avoid taking positions that lead to major problems with crime and conflict situations ( So, it is highly recommended that young people begin or complete their studies as these will help in the future.

Psychological Theories of Aggression

There are certain causes, which aggravate the desire of an individual to join the gang, among those reasons aggression plays a pivotal role. There are several definitions of aggression, is this an issue that affects most people, that each has a different degree and importance. The term aggression analyzed and systematized by taking into account the different views. Following are some of them.

1.To undertake some act to kill or hurt, especially without justification.

2."Forms of behaviour taken with the intention of directly or indirectly harm to an individual” (Nelson 2005, pp. 33).

3.Conduct which aims to cause damage to an object or person. Aggressive behaviour in humans can be interpreted as a manifestation of an instinct or impulse of destruction as a reaction that appears before any kind of frustration or learned response situations, certain.

4.Aggression is a primary relationship with the inability to seek pleasure or avoid ...
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