Future Sustainability

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Future Sustainability

[Name of the institute]Future Sustainability


Keeping the environment safe and healthy is the universal right of every human being and organizations. The organization that has been selected for this sustainability report is OCP Maroc. It has been observed that the organization is aware that the demand of phosphate is increasing, while the global reserves are decreasing. It is also very important to understand that the phosphor available is also polluted with the toxic metals uranium and cadmium. The OCP group has started new technologies for saving water, energy and recycling phosphate. According to Choe et al. (2013, pp.4644-4652.), the core focus of this paper is to discuss the future sustainability of OCP Maroc company and saving the environment in the future. The core focus of this organization is to work for plan 2053 and face the environmental challenges to continue the operations of this organization in an effective manner.


Morocco is considered an emerging country. In order to face the environmental issues resulting from economic and social development experienced by the country. OCP which is a leader company in morocco who produces phosphate is highly concerned of the sustainable development. In fact the company feeds two aims, to contribute in the global food security and environmental protection. faced with the challenges that the government has implement OCP made the environment a key component of its growth strategy. aware that its activities involve the use of water resource and energy, OCP implicate the reduction of energy consumption, the use of renewable energies and also the “water” strategy for the national program of raw water.

According to Ginley & Kahen (2012, pp.1-100), more environmental laws have been applied in Morocco and also in other countries concerning sustainable development, if an individual or a company doesn't respect the environment , it means that they have break the law and therefore they will have to pay penalty. The OCP Maroc company plays a vital role in maintaining sustainable environment in the future.

Vision of Environmental Sustainability

The goal of the OCP Maroc Company is to maintain a balance between the company's profits while keeping the environmental sustainability on a priority. They are convinced that their holistic approach is the best approach to life.

The general environmental sustainability guidelines of the company are given below:

1.We reduce energy consumption.

2.We mainly energy from renewable sources.

3.We use cleaning products with eco-labels.

4.We focus on environmentally-friendly means of transport.

5.We select suppliers and attract environmentally conscious manufacturer

Sustainability Framework

Commitments, actions and objectives that make up the Sustainability Plan are initially defined on the basis of the areas for improvement identified by Sustainability Unit of the United States in collaboration with industries and corporate functions in the planning phase. To support this activity, the government of Morocco continuously monitors the performance of the best competition and the assessments made by the major rating agencies on sustainability, international organizations, and socially responsible investors with which the OCP Group relations throughout the year (Midilli et al. (2012, ...
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