Future Reform

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Future Reform

Future Reform


The Medical technology has gone through a major transformation over the past several years. The reason is that the technology is evolving rapidly and it is facing continuous challenges under the present circumstances. There is a need for an efficient medical technology in order to assist the doctors in diagnosing the disease at an early stage and then also finding a cure for the disease. In this topic, the main focus will be on the different aspects of the Medical technology and to also highlight the challenges faced by medical experts to meet the requirements of the people. Therefore, all the issues and aspects related to Future Reforms of the Medical Technology will be discussed in detail.

Function of Medical Health Records in 2030

There are two kinds of challenges faced by the Medical Institutions in the future. The two challenges are technological and societal. Though, there are many opportunities as well which can be explored in future. The security of the personal data is today and would also remain to be the critical issue for the medical researchers. It is expected that the profiles of the individuals will become affordable for the individuals in just a few years time. The cost estimation of these profiles has been made from US$ 200 to US$ 1,000 in the next five years. The biggest challenge is to improve the governance and management of the personalized data. This challenge would certainly bring a lot of opportunities for the private sector in order to develop suitable technologies and ICT infrastructure for the maintenance of the personalized medical records of the patients. The trust factor will also be dependent on the level of acceptance by the patients and their faith shown towards this new technological system. This would include the settings of the standards which have a major role in maintaining information about the patients. The implementation of artificial intelligence would matter a lot for the future. The reason is that the combination of the human and artificial intelligence will have a huge role in recording the personal information about the patients. The biggest challenge for the medical researchers would be to break the traditional norm followed in the healthcare sector (Cornell, Eining & Hu, 2011).

The biggest challenge for the medical researchers is to cause a major shift to the status quo of the personal lifestyle and work life of the people. As the advancement in the biomedicine will accelerate, the society would have to face many complex ethical issues. For instance, in the case of the stem cell research, this issue generated some controversies because a lot of ethical concern was raised for this issue. As the people would live longer and would be in better health, there are going be numerous societal challenges for them. The issues such as the competition of jobs, utilization of the natural resources and the food are just the few examples. When the life enhancement technologies will experience a major advancement from the period ...
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