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Role In Future Creative Industry

Role In Future Creative Industry


Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability that allows an individual to perceive, understand and regulate emotions and the emotions of others. Today, everyone knows that emotional intelligence is not intelligence traditionally understood the best predictors of future success of a person, and not only that, but also predicts its happiness: people with high emotional intelligence achieve greater success in life and perceive themselves as happier than people with low emotional intelligence (Gina, n.d, pp. 24-31). Professional success does not depend on intelligence are emotional and social variables that make the difference. Adults who are successful in their professional and personal lives were not those children with higher IQ, or those who drew better grades in school, but those who knew better understand others, who were interested in people rather than by the things and they built strong social networks. But not only professional success is determined by the emotional, also own life satisfaction, happiness in more colloquial terms, relates to them and not with the intellectual skills (Dennis, 2010, pp. 1-2). With on introduction of emotional intelligence, this assignment is based on developing a role of emotional intelligence manager in future industries, which is an emerging creative and attractive role in order to deal with the emotional perspectives of people.


Emotional Intelligence Measures to Deal with Myself and Others

The special thing about emotional intelligence is that it enables me to deal with my own self and to the other people as well. Therefore, emotional Intelligence describes the self-management and self-awareness on one hand and competencies and skills in dealing with other people on the other.

Elements of Emotional Intelligence

Following are the basic elements which I have been able to evaluate being manager of emotional intelligence:

Self-Awareness and Self Control

It refers to the realistic assessment of my own personality that is the recognition and understanding of my personal feelings, needs, motives and goals, as well as it also raise awareness about the personal strengths and weaknesses (Ruderman & Hannum, 2001, pp.3-7). The point is to know oneself well, in order to assess how to react in certain situations, even what I need and where I actually need to work on myself. In order to influence others, one of the important elements which I have been able to identify is the self-control, which is an ability that denotes my own feelings and moods through an internal dialogue and to control - self control. With this ability, I am not only delivered towards my feelings easily, but it has also helped me in influencing constructively. An example: If something makes me angry or irritates me a lot, I can reassure myself by my internal dialogue and can react much more appropriate.

Highly self-assessed is correct, i.e., recognition of my abilities, strengths, weaknesses, limitations to rule over emotions in such a way that they help me, and not be hindered in action. In the case of emotional self-correct problems is to help myself at a rapid investigation ...
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