Fundraising Campaign

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Fundraising Campaign

Fundraising Campaign


A fundraising campaign is an activity performed by a group in order to raise money for the group and its programs. The fundraisers usually require that the group provides a product, a service or an event that allows others to contribute money. Examples of such campaigns are performing Girl Scouts, car wash, and community carnivals (Stevenson & Spence, 2011). While conducting fundraisers provides many different benefits, the primary goal of any fundraising campaign is to raise money. In fact, if organizers of the campaign are motivated, they can raise a lot of money on a campaign up to a million dollars and more. The most important thing to know is that organizing group may not have the need, desire or resources to raise that kind of money, but it still can be useful to aim high (Sargeant & Jay, 2004). This paper aims to develop a fundraising plan for the Warrant Program intended to create awareness about the warrants in order to bring social change in the life of affected people and general public.


Identification of Need

The fundraisers can be carried out throughout the year. However, when a need is identified for an individual, group or community, the fundraising activity becomes necessary to meet that particular need (Klein, 2011). The community of Cleveland, Ohio needs to be educated about their warrants and offences that lead to such warrants. In addition, it is also important to know that these needs should be anticipated well in advance so that they have enough time to plan fundraising campaign in order to have maximum funding and collaborators. No one can deny the fact that every fundraising campaign begins with determining a financial need (Bray, 2010). This means, involving Police, church, local or state government, etc. requires significant amount of money to educate large segment of community of Cleveland including the affect ted ones as well as general public. This means, it should be determined what to do, and then make an estimate of how much it will cost. This estimate will be the purpose of Warrant's fundraising campaign. If the organizers fail to collect the necessary amount, then the project cannot achieve its purpose to fund the warrant program.

Sources of Funding

The organizers of Warrant program believe that individual donations are the largest source of funds including lifetime donors. They are also the largest source of voluntary funds. The main reason people make donations is that they are requested to do so. This means, if your organization already has members or supporters then you will just have to request them to make a donation. In addition, Trust companies are also a major source but a growing number of charities lead to competition between them for obtaining limited subsidies (Sargeant & Jay, 2004). Further, State Government of Ohio can be seen as limited source of funding, while local authorities in Cleveland are potential stakeholders who can pay considerable sums for this service that's aims to offer free advice and awareness about ...