Fundamentals Of Management

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Fundamentals of Management

Fundamentals of Management

Role of Frederick W. Taylor in Management History

Frederick W. Taylor sought greatly for bringing improvement and enhancement in the industrial efficiency. Taylor is being recognized by the world as the “Father of Scientific management”. Taylor introduced the concept of scientific management through his articles on scientific management. Time and motion studies proposed and initiated by Taylor resulted in increased and improved productivity. He also contributed towards management processes and the manner of doing work in organizations (Williams, 2007).

Role through Conflict of Mary Parker Follett Ideas

Mary Parker Follett is being acknowledged for being the pioneer of introducing the concept and practices of human relations and human psychology in the field of industrial management. According to the views of Mary Parker Follett, interactions of workers and management are imperative. As per Mary's approaches the concept of organizational conflict is integrated into the theory of management. The idea is that it is not always essential that conflict ends with adverse effects. Conflict can be a prospect for constructive development if it is approached with the correct ingenious and analytical tools. Conflict can be responded through compromise, dominance and integration (Williams, 2011).

Granting and Acquiring of Authority

According to Chester Bernard, granting of authority is a bottom up approach to power and authority. It states that the power of manager or any authority to influence the decisions of other emerges out of the granting authority of the employees or subordinates (Lussier, 2011). Leaders and managers can only exercise that much power and authority which the subordinates grant him or her. Therefore, the acquired authority and power by the managers or leaders is the one which is granted by the employees and subordinates (Lussier, 2011).

Benefits and Pitfalls of Planning

Planning helps the business to be prepared in advance for any forthcoming opportunity or threat. Moreover, planning helps the company to identify the strengths and weaknesses in prior so as to think of ways to maximize on the strengths and improving on or minimizing the weaknesses (Williams, 2011). Planning makes possible coordination, control, encourages innovation, avoid uncertainties and provides with a competitive edge. The pitfalls of planning include heavy costs, time consuming, and false impression of security, misdirected planning, and the rigidity (Williams, 2007).

Rational Decision Making Steps and Options Based Planning

Rational decision making entails a defined set of steps which includes identifying the problem, determining and evaluating the available alternatives and ...
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