Fundamentals Of Effective Communication

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Fundamentals of Effective Communication

Fundamentals of Effective Communication

Effective communication skills are essential in the workplace for various purposes which include internal communication as well as with customers and suppliers of an organization. If communication does not take place in an effective manner, then it may lead to the dissatisfaction of a key customer, a delay in the delivery of the supplies or in some cases a loss of contract which may directly affect the company's image. On the other hand, in terms of internal communication, it may create a hostile environment that does not foster productivity and also lowers the morale of the employee, diverting their attention to matters that are not part of their work, thereby impacting the operations of the business and its performance, while it may also serve as a barrier to innovation.

My experience of an effective communication was when I was working as an internee in an organization as a part of the team handling a project. Team work brings together people with diverse backgrounds and having varying personalities, and in such a situation communication can play a vital role in maintaining an environment that is appropriate for work. Only an environment that is free from tension, and where employees work harmoniously, can bring productivity, integrity and responsibility. In those days of team work, there were several instances where I was able to experience how effective communication can bring benefits to the work. The team leader was a person who had very good communication skills and was always sensitive to the situation. Had he not possessed those skills it would have brought disengagement among the members of the team and the outcomes of the project would not have been as productive as they turned out to be.

I call the conversations that we had as part of ...