Fundamental Curriculum Essay

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Fundamental curriculum Essay

Fundamental curriculum Essay


The educational objectives are formulated in terms of skills, understanding of the potential ability or aptitude that a person has to reach the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, i.e. the possibility that every human being has, you can develop and to will allow to perform, permanently and alone, new learning. Consequently, an educational system that chooses, the approach of its objectives for capacity development is proposing to construct meaningful learning, always learning that part of the student's developmental level, modifying, re-creates and empowers, an active and progressive cognitive structure, which is marked as the primary goal that the student is capable of learning to learn, that is, permanently empower you to make new learning meaningful by itself.


Consistent with the essential purpose of school education, defined as "the full development of the student's personality" (integral education), the goals emphasize the development of all the basic skills involved in this integrated vision of human development that the school is located.

These capabilities could be classified at least into five main groups:

(         Capabilities refer to the cognitive or intellectual development.

(         Capabilities refer to the physical development and health field.

(         Capabilities related to the development of personal and emotional balance.

(         Capabilities related to the development of the performance, relationship and social integration.

(         Capabilities refer to the moral or ethical.

 These are the skills to be cultivated in school and these are, therefore, the educational objectives on which to substantiate the work of all the teachers in all areas within the Kindergarten, Primary and ESO. In each of the objectives capabilities are presented so interrelated, such as in the normal behavior of individuals, which do not exercise capacity in isolation, but supported on each other.

 From the O to 16 years, we are always working, basically the same objectives, i.e. the same capabilities, what happens is that at each stage will be adapted to the evolutionary development of students. As this capacity, the general objectives are not directly or uniquely evaluated. The teacher should specify what learning expected as a manifestation of these powers. These behaviors will differ between students, and even one student displayed the same capacity in different behaviors. However, we must return to the goals in the final moment of the evaluation to analyze the overall progress the student has demonstrated the capabilities.

 In the LOCE presents a ranking of objectives, divided into the following elements:

Principles of quality or educational purposes. There are 12 more general principles that point out the expectations set by the system as a final result obtained throughout the educational process.

The overall objectives of Stage. In the ESO raises 13 general objectives in terms of capabilities. These indicate the level at which it is expected that students have acquired the capacity at the end of education concerned, which obviously does not mean they are not useful for the rest of the stage.

The overall objectives of Subject. Like Stage, are expressed in terms of capabilities, but adds an explicit reference to the contents as a set of knowledge that shape subjects. They are 7 for Natural Science, 9 for Biology and Geology, and 9 for ...
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