Fundamental Concepts, Methods, & Modes In The Humanities

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Fundamental Concepts, Methods, & Modes in the Humanities

Fundamental Concepts, Methods, & Modes in the Humanities


The romance is a cultural-historical epoch , by the end of the 18th Century until well into the 19th Century and lasted into especially in the fields of fine arts (1790-1840), the literature (1795-1848) and music (core phase from 1820 to 1850, see also the Romantic music ) said. In today's common usage, the term romance with the adjective romantic the property of an object or an event, people with love and longing to meet, such as in the phrases "romantic love", "Romantic music" or "a romantic letter”. The basic themes of romance are feeling, passion, individuality and individual experience, and soul, especially the tortured soul. Romanticism was a reaction to the monopoly of the rational-looking philosophy of the Enlightenment and the strictness of the ancient world inspired by Classicism. These characteristics are typical of the romantic art and for the appropriate attitude to life. Romanticism was a rich and complex body of philosophy, literature, and art that originated in Europe in the late eighteenth century. Some of its central figures included the English poets and literary theorists, William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), and the German poets and philosophers, Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843), Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829), Novalis (1772-1801), and Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805), among others. Romantic thought had an impact not only on nineteenth-century English and European culture, but also on nineteenth-century American thought through the work of Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) and especially Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) (Kompridis, 2009).


Surrealism was an avant-garde art movement that originated in Paris in the 1920s. The key year was 1924, which saw the first issue of the review La Revolution Surrealist, as well as the founding of the Bureau of Surrealist Research, and most famously of all, André Breton's Surrealist Manifesto (Bernstein, 2003). In the 1920s and 1930s, surrealists produced poetry, painting, films, novels, magazines, theater, performance, and instillation art. Its influence can still be seen across myriad cultural forms: from political activism to pop videos, from critical theory to fashion. It still informs current art, and although it is rare for contemporary artists to declare themselves surrealists, much of contemporary art's involvement with our consumerist, bureaucratic world would be unimaginable without it. More fundamentally, perhaps, the absurdist comedy of the past fifty years is truly indebted to surrealism. If, at its most banal, surrealism infuses the latest products of commercial culture with a dubious mystique, then, at its most glorious, surrealism provides the perspective for the barbed humor that reveals the absurd, perverse, morbid, and irrational forces that lie at the heart of our rational world (Arendt, 1993).


It is said that Gothic art is the evolution of Roman art, but look different and even opposing attitudes. If the Romanesque is gathering dark solidity in the Gothic is no light, color and elevation to the divine (Kompridis, 2006). This change in attitude is the fundamental key to distinguish two ...
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