Fund Raising Plan

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Project Plan of Fundraising by a Charitable Organisation

Project Plan of Fundraising by a Charitable Organisation


Society is composed of different individuals belonging to different financial status. It is the responsibility of everyone to help each other and make the society a peaceful and comfortable place. It is the religious and social responsibility of every human being to help the suffering one through his financial and moral support.

Charity is a Latin word which means “care”. It refers to the procedure of helping the poor and the needy with the resources available to the person. It is a moral ethic and the bond in the society. It keeps a community united (Malik 2008, Vol.11). There are thousands of organizations who are working to help and support the suffering human beings. Due to wars, Violence, poverty, Mismanagement, Lack of Technology and Chaos; humanity is suffering everywhere. In order to save people, everyone should join hands.

Charity is a helping process which has been done by the charitable organizations. The charitable organizations can be defined as the non-profit organizations which provide relief to the poor and needy. It depends on the condition and area that which kind of requirement needs to be fulfilled ( Charitable organizations work to relief Women, Children, Poor, Education sector, health and various development projects.


Dated: April 22, 2013


The Managing director,

ABC Company,

West London, UK.

Subject: Requesting financial support for the charitable Project

Respected Sir,

It is to bring into your kind knowledge that our organization “Saving Children” is a non Profit organization which is strictly in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom. We are working to provide our financial, moral and social aid to the children. Children are the future of the country but unfortunately, this innocent creature is neglected very ruthlessly throughout the world. Due to negligence of parents, financial issues and lack of proper guidance; these innocent angels transform into violent citizens of the society. In order to save the future, we have to save the children today and provide them equal opportunities.

Our Project plan for their relief is attached with this application. Kindly go through that. We are expecting your generous support to help our mission.

For any queries or further info, kindly contact our focal Person Mr. Stanley Bruce (+44123456789).

Yours Sincerely'

Tom Hanks

CEO (Saving Children) Project Details

Following is a business plan to generate funds for the charity to help children in their education, their health care and their financial assistance.


To save the children in order to save the future of the country and make them responsible citizens.

To Provide Equal Opportunities to children irrespective of racial, ethnic or financial differences.

To help physically disable kids and Children having learning disabilities and bring them into main stream of society.

To help children in the area of health. To make proper plans of hygienic food, to ensure the availability of vaccinations and in case of any epidemic, assure the delivery of precaution and guidance.

Enhance the learning and abilities of children by healthy activities and to groom the potential they have been blessed ...
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