Functions Of Management

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Functions of Management

Functions of Management


The internal and external functions of management that include Planning, Organizing Controlling, and Leading, impact the organizations in various manners. It has been observed that variation in the operation of these management functions also affect the competitive environment of the organization. It is largely dependent on the top level management of organization as to how management functions should be performed. The paper highlights the role of CEO Steve Ballmer of Microsoft as to how he made use of the four functions of management for making improvements in the organization. The CEO has been leading the company since 1980s and has contributed within the in every manner by making innovation in the company's product along with the improvements in the functions of management.


Steven Ballmer has been working for his organization Microsoft Corporation for long time that left lifelong impression on the employees of the Microsoft and his other business colleagues. Being CEO of the company, Steven Ballmer possessed motivational and energetic style for managing organizational operations. His confidence and personal charisma along with the sharp intellect has made him to benefit the organization. The leadership roles possessed by the Ballmer were exposed in his early life at school and then at Harvard University where he used to know everyone. By making appropriate use of his management skills, Ballmer led the company to acquire an important position in the software industry. His role was instrumental in representing and guiding the company toward its successful move and in making innovations.

Since 1980, Steve Ballmer made various changes in the operations of the Microsoft Corporation. He firstly planned to implement better system of operations in the company by focusing on the systematic operations. After planning, he organized functions of the organization that made him to look at the whole system of processes. Reorganizing these organizational processes, he planned to work according to the new set of processes. The new process of work not only needed the employees to be focused towards their work but also towards their capabilities for bringing innovative changes in the organization. As the Microsoft Corporation has possessed an important position in the software industry since its starting, the organization needed the direction for making further improvements and maintaining that position in the industry.

The leadership creates a vision to which others can aspire. It energizes people to work towards this created vision to attain their objectives. All these visions and ideas can be created by the leaders in order to enhance the effectiveness of the people. It is not important that the proposed vision by the leaders is always true but they give direction to the people to lead their way. The leadership is not only about the leaders but also about the managers. The managers are the leaders of their firm and lead people to gain the efficiency. The qualities of the leaders are inborn but they can also be developed to some extent. The first and probably most important characteristic is often ...
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