Functional Child Chart

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Functional Child Chart

Assessment across the Child Age Groups

The children's functional health assessment patterns have got certain similarities and certain differences across ages. If we look at the pattern of health assessment and health management, it differs across all the ages. Toddlers grow slowly then infancy stage, whereas preschool goers are most active at this stage and school aged is eager to learn. Nutrition requirements are usually the same in all ages of children while their metabolic rates differ (Debra, 1974). Breast feeding is important to toddlers, preschool aged are also have same nutritional requirements as toddlers and school going children's nutrition requirements increases because of their physical activity increase. Pattern of elimination remains the same but with different frequencies. School going children usually possess some issues relating to their elimination pattern because of late school hours.

Pattern of activity differs across all the ages. But children are usually active other than their infancy period. Cognitive patterns also differ across all the ages. Perceptual patterns of children enhance as they grow in their ages. Pattern of sleep and rest changes with the age; toddlers sleep the most while school going children sleep less. Patterns of self perception changes as the age grow, but mainly self-perception is developed during the first phase of life i.e. infancy and toddlers. Role relationship pattern differs among age groups of children because as they grow they tend to identify their relations, this ability enhances with the age. Sexuality patterns differ with ages because as children grow they tend to explore new things and their requirements also increase. Stress tolerance might increase or might decrease with the age. Values and beliefs tend to get stronger with the growing age. There are few things like nutritional requirement and elimination pattern that remains the same entire childhood while many other things tend to differ during different ages of a child.

Nurses handling Children

Nursing a baby a kid is not just a concern of thoughtful for a small mature. You have to comprehend how a normal and balanced kid produces towards maturity and know how to reduce the effect of sickness or medical center entrance on the kid. This includes working in collaboration with the mother and father, or whoever looks after the kid at home. Another aspect that reduces therapy of the youthful kid is that of interaction. While grownups can show what they feel and need or recognize the intensity and characteristics of suffering a kid may not be able to connect in such details and the health care worker needs to understand actions and side effects wisely. Children medical professionals need to be able to identify when a kid's health requires a convert for the more intense, which can occur quickly.

Illnesses can have an effect on a kid's growth and it's vital to work with the kid's family or care takers to ensure that he or she does not experience additionally due to the stress of being ill or in medical center. Children's nursing occurs in medical facilities, day ...