Functional Area Plan: Production And Operations

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Functional Area Plan: Production and Operations

Functional Area Plan: Production and Operations

Part 1: Production and Operations Manager Composition

The function of Production and Operations division is to make units that are required in manufacturing goods on time and in the required quantities. The major issues that will be faced by the production and operations department in managing production level:


Employees are required in production process whenever the company is going towards improving its operations. Having un-skilled employees can be harmful for the division, as they will be wasting the resources that would have been saved by the skilled workers.


In order to handle huge production and operations unit the employees or the workers would require effective equipments that can be helpful in managing the required production level. Currently, the organizations are going towards quality production, and to have quality production and operations unit organizations need to have quality equipments therefore those organizations which are not having these equipments can face issues in their productive capabilities (Iyer; Lee & Roth, 2009).


One of the most important things that are often found lacking in various production and operations units of companies is inspection, which helps the companies in managing the quality of products. Through effective inspection staff the production and operations manager will be able to identify the weaknesses and strengths of its staff and will be able to reward or assist accordingly. The material costs will also be saved with inspection activity.


The marketing activities help in making the consumers worldwide and nationwide and this helps the production and operations division in managing the required level of production. The marketing activities are handled by the companies through radio promotions, commercials, online ads and newspapers.

Loading and Housing

These are the two tasks handled by the employees of the production and operations division that are used in transportation and storing of produced products. The availability of vehicles such as trucks or loaders can be off great importance otherwise it can become a major issue for an organization.

Inventory Control

The control over the inventory can also become an issue in managing effective level of production. The inventory should be produced according to the requirements and should not exceed to that level that it becomes difficult for the organization in managing it.


It includes capacity planning, forecasting, managing monetary process and scheduling of product. If the company is not having experts that would help the company in managing the ...
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