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Fruit Of The Spirit

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Fruit of the Spirit



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

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The Bible refers to real fruit such as olives, figs, grapes and many others. Moreover, the biblical Hebrew and Greek words translate fruit as a symbolic sense. Furthermore, all crops are considered as fruit of the earth. These fruits can be described as what a Christian grows over time. It means any product that comes from the earth, especially designates the plants and the fruit of these, and often uses the word figuratively. Good external behavior should occur as a natural manifestation of the internal state, which is impossible for more than an unborn human. The fruits are love, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness, and Self-control. The Spirit is our teacher as it refines us feels spiritual. It makes us more sensitive to what our deep relationship with God: our negligence, our carelessness, and all these "shortfalls" in love. There is hope, particularly valuable today. For this study, I decided to take up a secondary research method, for which I reviewed a plethora of literature available on the said topic. The rationale of this study was to conduct an investigation using archived data, newspaper articles to assess the Fruit of the Spirit.






Background of the Study1

Research Question1

Significance of the Study1


Meaning of fruit2

Fruit of the spirit meaning2

Essentials of the Holy Spirit3

Essential Characters of fruit8





Background of the Study

The Bible refers to real fruit such as olives, figs, grapes and many others. Moreover, the biblical Hebrew and Greek words translate fruit as a symbolic sense. Furthermore, all crops are considered as fruit of the earth. Similarly, children are called the fruit of womb and all man words are fruit of his mouth (Eliade, 1954). People have used the fruit for many meanings such as products, results, accomplishments, achievement and outcomes.

When Christians speak about the work of Holy Spirit they mean by speaking about the operation of Spirit of God in the world. The spirit is here is to cause things happen which is in tune with the purpose on earth and beyond. When these spirits change it shows a growth in character which is positive for them according to the world we are living in. It starts by believing the person of love we meant to be (Daya, 1990). From ancient times, food is considered as a cause of celebration and hope. This hope is worth celebrating till now.

Research Question

What is the importance of fruits of Holy Spirit?

What are the essential characters of the fruit of Holy Spirit?

Significance of the Study

These ...
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