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From Silence to Voice

From Silence to Voice

Historical Image of the Nursing

Nurses act like a bridge for the maintenance of the progressive health care system and nursing carries on as a critical service for the well being of the nation. Nurses work together with the many other health care providers in order to improve the quality health at three levels


Family units

General public

Florence Nightingale

Florence nightingale was the originator of the nursing profession. She was a British woman, who appeared as a practicing nurse when escorted the female group of nurses to provide the nursing services for the British military in the year of 1854. Nightingale established the nursing education schools associated to the various hospitals in England. Nightingale proposed some ideas known as “Nightingale Principles” for the training of nurses. Her principles were frequently used by the women intended to provide the relevant services of nursing to the people (Henley & Moss, 2007).

Nursing Care in Unite States

The nurses worked in the civil war, actually laid the basis of the nursing profession in the United States. These nurses had modified the concept of working women out of their homes. She worked in the area which was not earlier considered as a suitable place for them. Some of these nurses initiated the establishment of nursing education schools in the vicinity of United States. Samuel Gross was the president of the “American Medical Association.” In 1868, he potentially gave his support to the development of the schools for the training of nurses after the end of the war.

Later, the people of the United States became doubled due to the arrival of individuals from different regions of Europe and rural regions of the America. The necessities regarding health and nursing services ultimately developed with the augmented group. In 1872, the first nursing school was established in united states by the name of “Nurse Training School of Women`s Hospital of Philadelphia.” All the academic and professional facilities of this school were according to the model proposed by Nightingale (Baer, 1990).

Image of Nurses Represented by Media

Nurses contribute the significant part of the healthcare facilities, but their performance, judgment, experience, expertise and competencies are not acknowledged by the public. Their image can only be made through the personal experience with the services of nurses. The reality is that nurses are not visible.

The role of media in this regard is essential, which can manipulate the nursing image in the society. At present, the media is a powerful tool to attain the information regarding any matter and even anywhere through the alerts on mobile phone. Although media focuses on the areas related to health, but if they show interest in the nursing profession particularly, the nurses will be able to make the community aware about recent projects and actions regarding healthcare. Furthermore, nurses will get the credit of their work which they actually deserve.

Media: Radio, Magazines, Books, Internet, Film and Television

All these tools of media can try to illustrate the health related issues. It is very necessary to know about the perspective ...