From Blind-Faith To Reason: Detailing The Process Of My de-Conversion From Christianity

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From Blind-Faith to Reason: Detailing the Process of My

De-Conversion from Christianity

From Blind-Faith to Reason: Detailing the Process of My

De-Conversion from Christianity


“When the LORD saw that Moses was coming closer, he called to him from the middle of the bush and said, “Moses! Moses!” He answered, “Yes, here I am.”” (Exodus 3:1-4)

There are always signs for every individual to attract and make him follow, but it depends on the person, to follow with the reason. It is not possible to make others see what we can see with our own reasons and perceptions, and this results in conflicts when our views and perceptions collides with others around us. My name is Genesis, and I was one of those crazy people on the NYC subway trains and every possible place where I could access to preach the Gospel. I preached in buses, at handing out tracts, going into dangerous neighborhoods late at night, in the library, at a restaurant, on the streets, in school, in Church, house-to-house and neighbor-by-neighbor. As I preached, I would also use my talent of singing hymns on those trains, buses and everywhere in public. I was a church leader, a pastor, Bible Translator and missionary. I went to one of the poorest countries in the world and slept among the most impoverished people, sharing the message about Jesus.

Most of the people do not consider it right calling myself as crazy, but I really was. I travelled all over the world, even in the trenches of the poorest neighborhoods in the world, where there are no bathrooms or showers, smelling like defecation, there I was with the Bible, with a message and a mission; to guide humanity, and to tell them story about Jesus. I only followed the words of God, " die is gain." So, “take up your cross and follow Me” (Matt 16:24). I once was a very motivated young-Earth creationist that rejected mainstream science, a religious leader, church officer, and I even published a book about the Bible. I made people follow me and always believed that it was an invisible and miraculous force doing it, but then something changed my whole life and realized myself and identify my true “being” that requires reason and thinking (Heidegger, 1988). After devoting 26 years of my life to Christianity and Jesus, in February 2013, I quit my religion; I am officially not a Christian anymore. I am writing it is because I just became an infidel. Now, all my "Christian" friends just say, "Something must be wrong" or "You must be hurt." Some fill my email boxes up with hate mail. So, I have to write something about it.

My Journey to Christianity: My Believe in God/Jesus

My Father

I still remember my age of three when we lived in an army base in Germany, traveling on the German autobahn with my father, the memory of my mother washing me in a sink, and the Little Drummer Boy song (the “Pa Rumpa Pum Pum” song) at my first ...