Friendly Support Or Sexual Harassment

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Friendly Support or Sexual Harassment

Table of Contents

Compilation of Information3

Consideration of Participants3

Identification of Options4

Mercy v/s Justice4

Truth v/s Loyalty5

Short Term v/s Long Term5


Friendly Support or Sexual Harassment6

Some Questions6


Case Study of Friendly Support or Sexual Harassment

Compilation of Information

Maria is a modestly good teacher of social studies, on probation, at Bonnville high school. Mr. Alsop is her department chair, whose judgment is respected by the administration. Though he has a repute of good, efficient chair of social studies department, however, Maria also comes to know of his habit of telling off-color jokes at department meetings. For earning the tenure, Maria needs the support of Mr. Aslop. However, she feels intimidated by him. He makes a point sit adjacent to her in meeting. His legs or knee often touch hers. He pats her hand and gazes or smile at her. One day he offered her to have dinner together, where they can discuss some professional issues and current happening at the school.

Consideration of Participants

Maria Sanchez

A “modestly good”, social studies teacher having tenure decision in progress

A hard working person, focused on her work

Demonstration of efforts to develop her subject matter background

Very few discipline issues in classroom

Believing herself as a strong candidate for earning tenure

Feels intimidated by her department chair

The situation is quite puzzling for Maria as for earning tenure, she needs strong support of Mr. Aslop; however, she feels irritated with his behavior as she is a modest person, behaves in a ladylike manner. Her composed nature is quite different from bold nature of Mr. Aslope and his somewhat indecent behavior makes her feel being harassed sexually.

Mr. Alsop

Social studies departmental chair

Well respected by the upper administration

Funny in nature; cracks jokes in faculty meetings (female staff does not appreciate her habit of telling jokes

Insensitive as does not seem aware of female staff's un- comfortableness with his jokes

Rumors that he “sleeps around”

Mr. Alsop is a fun loving person, having no differentiation among male or female and considers all of his colleagues in a similar manner. He understands that Maria is a little bit shy person. He tries to encourage Maria and that's why he gives her extra attention. However, if his behavior is carefully analyzed, he actually displays questionable behavior that seems inappropriate as per his position and status.

Identification of Options

Mercy v/s Justice

An equal application of the rules are opposed to a desire to… make an exception

Perhaps Maria would never be asked for a dinner, particularly in such a beseeching manner, if there were a male teacher instead of her.

Mr. Alsop should not take Maria to dinner and getting hold of her hand in this way.

Truth v/s Loyalty

Personal integrity is at odds with responsibility.

The behavior of Mr. Alsop is problematic for Maria. She feels uneasiness. She will not be true to herself, if she goes for dinner with him. However, in case of not going with him for dinner, she has to face some unwanted consequences like her loyalty to her job may be questioned by ...