Freudian Theories

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Freudian Theories

Freudian Theories


Sigmund Freud presented his theories based on the psychoanalytic studies. According to these theories, center of all the physical and mental activities is on the exchange of energy. According to Freud, this energy is derived from the libido, which is the center for generating and releasing this energy (Burger, 2010). It depends on the mental state and influence of the two forces catharsis and anti-catharsis. These forces play a vital role in developing transfer of energy and generating responses in a person (Burger, 2010). His theories also involve analysis of the developmental stages based on his psychosexual analysis. His deference mechanism and all other aspects of his psychoanalytical theories play a major role in treatment of different psychological conditions.


 Human Mind: Conscious and Unconscious

Freud identified human mind into conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind associated with the awareness and of self and things around an individual. On the other hand, unconscious mind functions beyond the limitation of human awareness. It is associated with the feelings, desires and hopes (Hergenhahn, 2008). Freud analyzed this concept with the understanding of the human mind and its association with different functions. According to Freud it is like an ice berg with only visible tip, but in really its depth cannot be known.

Structure of Personality

Freud divides structure of human personality into three different components. According to Freud these three components are id, ego and superego.

Id: it is the primitive and the basic part of the human mind. It is present at the time of birth. It is also an important aspect associated with the basic needs like hunger and thirst. It deals with the unconscious mind and it is the base of generating energy from libido. It is the first stage in generating libido in infants.

Ego: This part develops later, during childhood, which provides assistance in realizing and understanding realities. These are also important aspects of identifying different aspects in the understanding of the behavior. Ego involves concept of perceptions and recognition. It also functions as problem solving mechanism and maintains balance between id and superego.

Super Ego: It is the most complex structure and depends on the different aspects of personality which deals with the moral and social behavior.

Cathexis and Anticathexis: Cathexis is associated with the release of energy during an imagination or action. It is a dynamic process of investment and expenditure of libidinal energy. On ...
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