French Revolution

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French Revolution

French Revolution


The French Revolution is history is termed as the start of the Modern Era. But the French revolution is a consecutive part of the chain revolution that started before 1789 that affected many other parts of the world like Europe and North America. The old order (ancient régime) was known to be undemocratic due to many reasons.


The era before 1789 is known as pre-revolutionary and marked in the history before 1787 and 1789. This is based on the economical crisis of the Old Regime. It was particularly a tax revolt against Old Regime. It was done in order to enforce new reforms regarding new tax measures to overcome the crisis of bankruptcy. On the night of August 4, 1789, one member of the nobility after another stood in the Assembly and renounced all feudal obligations owed them. The newly named Nation Convention was the resulted in the demolition of monarchy and declared France as republic. It was done following the meeting by the Third Estate (neither clergy nor nobility but a new one). It was the convening of the Assembly which served as the impetus for the revolution, during which the first middle class came to power which propelled France into civil war and violence.

The deputies of the Assembly, decided to eliminate the privileges of the nobility, they were forced to pay taxes and eliminated the tithe to the church. A few later revolutionary ideas such as equality, fraternity and liberty, were included in the Declaration of the Right of Man and Citizens, but latter it was recognized that due to political discrepancies the reforms were not successful (Timothy, 2003).

The king Louis XVI and the queen were perceived and reputed as good due to their reforms and the economical issues in the past. Further the distribution of fiscal resources among the people created poor image in the public that motivated them to rise or revolt against the king and the queen (Timothy, 2003).

The main leaders of the French revolution are Napoleon Bonaparte (a general in the France's army), a French King Louis XVI (king from 1774 to 1792 who was overthrown while the Revolution and executed in 1793), Marie-Antoinette (a lady who was known for French royalty's extravagance in the eyes of comers The wife of King Louis XVI), Maximilien Robespierre ( a remarkable and wise political leader in the National Assembly of France), Jacques Necker ( a banker ...
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