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Traditionally, throughout its long history, Freemasonry has taken a leading role in the promotion of learning and education. From its early beginnings, in the 18th century in England and Scotland, Masons were among the founders of learned academies. Masons have been active in education at every level from grammar school through university. The Charge of the Fellow craft Degree reminds the candidate that the impressive ceremonies of the degree are calculated to inculcate in his mind the importance of studying the liberal arts and sciences. He is particularly reminded to study the noble science of Geometry, which forms the basis of Freemasonry. Not only does Geometry explain the properties of nature, it demonstrates the more important truths of morality. If Freemasonry is “about” anything, it is about the education of the individual to become a knowledgeable, informed, and moral human being within society.

The Effect of 'Freemasonry' on the Curriculum of the Seven Liberal Arts of Public School Education

Education is valued above ignorance. Seeking further Light in Masonry means more than learning more about the Craft. It also means that Freemasons and non-Masons alike must discipline themselves to seek knowledge through whatever means available—by studying at colleges and universities or by self-directed reading and study. Because Freemasonry places such great importance on education, we have become steadfast supporters of the Liberal Arts of Public School Education. Horace Mann, the father of our present system of Liberal Arts of Public School Education, wrote that the object of a free Liberal Arts of Public School Education system is “to give every child a free, straight, solid pathway by which he can walk directly up from the ignorance of an infant to a knowledge of the primary duties of a man.” The same can, of course, be said about the progress of a candidate through the three Masonic Degrees, from Apprentice, to Fellow craft, to Master Mason. Freemasonry and the Liberal Arts of Public School Education share several important values.

Basic to each is the concept of the dignity of the individual. Every man, in every condition, is great. The grandeur of each man's unique nature makes insignificant all external distinctions. It is the internal and not the external qualifications that make a man who he is, and entitles him to be treated with respect and dignity. Respect for the dignity of the individual is essential in a free society. Human rights rest on human dignity. Man's minimum needs must be met if he is to live at all, but men and women cannot live a human life “unless they have the chance” to satisfy the needs of their rational and spiritual nature. Democracy is the only form of government founded on the dignity of man. Equality and justice, so important to Freemasons, are the two distinguishing characteristics of democracy. Democracy enables us to enjoy the freedom to live human lives. We must be free in order to exercise those talents wherewith God has blessed us, as well to His glory as to the ...
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