Freedom In Saudi Arabia

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Freedom in Saudi Arabia


There are a number of countries in this world. Each and every country has its own culture and values. One of the main concerns that is in vogue nowadays is about the prevalence of freedom in a country. The aim and objective of this essay is also to talk about the prevalence of freedom in a country. The country that is chosen for this essay is Saudi Arabia.


When we talk about the prevalence of freedom in a country the first aspect that comes to the mind is of religion and religious freedom. The official religion in Saudi Arabia is Islam. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy in which Islam is the official religion; the law requires that all Saudi citizens be Muslims. Religious freedom is nonexistent. The Government does not provide legal recognition or protection of freedom of religion, and is very restricted in practice (Khatwa, pp. A-1). The public practice of non-Muslim religions is prohibited. As a matter of policy, the Government guarantees and protects the right to private worship for all, including non-Muslims who gather in homes for religious practice, however, this right is not always respected in practice and is not defined in the law. There are a lot of people who use Islam and its instructions as a reason to create boundaries in Saudi Arabia. The law in Saudi Arabia beset on whole Quran, where God has posted all cases and condition. However, there are some groups that interpret orders of God in other meanings and misuse them for their own advantage. Therefore, these groups are called as Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and vice. The people of that group misuses Islam and orders of God as means to achieve their unjustified demands. Some people regard this group of ...
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