Free Verse

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Free Verse

About Free Verse

A free verse is a kind of literary work which does not follow a regular structure neither meter nor rhyme nor stanzas. For its part, the traditional to observe a fixed number of syllables per verse and verse by verse. However, free verse retains certain features of traditional verse:

the presence of clauses of length less than the sentence; the presence of capital letters at the start line, but not always; layout breathable white; to sequences of varying sizes separated by a newline; length metric variables but noticeable; effects of crossing over ; echoes of sound; and so on.

Free verse has been defined as an almost total breakdown of traditional metrical forms whose main features are the absence of verse, no rhyme, no measure of syntactic phrase break and the isolation of the word. Free verse is simply that is one that does not rhyme and have given it the name of blank verse or white. It has been referred as the new poetry (free verse), it has been noted that: the new poem, to withdraw from the rigor to the extent of verse and rhyme and the verses also common down the center of gravity rhythm in the whole work understood as a poetic unity. Consequently, the poem does not count as a succession of perfect poems; rhymes accomplished, polished stanzas, but removed him, inner strength, developed by elements that make up the whole, the law of rhythmic cohesion and creative expression. Free verse is characterized by breaking with the traditional elements of poetry: as, accent and rhyme. Idea is reinforced by Paz, who argues that free verse is not subject to traditional forms and language that leans to the emotion of the poet (Andrews, pp.110-125).

Popularity of Free Verse Poetry

Student loves reading and writing, the reason is the love for the English Composition. Teachers encourage students to take English Composition during their freshman year, mainly because subsequent advanced level English courses will be required, and the successful completion of English Composition is the prerequisite. There are several components to the curriculum. One of the more challenging subjects is poetry. One of the first things students learn about poetry is that it requires a lot of critical thinking and understanding of words. It is not easy to sum up an expression, opinion, or message in a few verses. Words must be carefully deliberated to ensure the correct words convey the exact message. One way to develop word vocabulary is to study word origins. This exercise broadens your scope of words and language.

Students when began to write poetry, usually writes the free verse poetry. Free verse is unrhymed poetry, and rhythm is not an important component of free verse. Good free verse poetry is reliant upon word choice and visual images (Tompkins, pp. 235-245). As you learn about free verse poetry, you will learn to choose words to describe something and then put them together to express a thought or tell a story without concern for rhyme or ...
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