Free Movement Of Workers

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Law of European Single Market

Law of European Single Market


The free movement of the workers/citizens between the member states of the European Union is one of the most important and fundamental rights in the European Union's internal market which also outlines the free movement of goods and services to be sold and bought between the member states. This free movement allowance basically deals with reducing the burdens on the citizens in terms of administrative and financial burdens so that everyone is allowed to live, work and study freely. For the protection of the labor markets, the member states have enforced a transitional period which allows the free movement of labor and workers between all the member states without affecting the normal flow of operations and businesses. In addition to this, the law also covers providing basic amenities and services to everyone in the listed countries and giving work permits to the people to get employed anywhere regardless of their country of citizenship. For making things easier and convenient, each member state has a contact authority from where reference points and relevant information maybe gathered. The following paper discusses imperative requirements and objective justifications which are found to be major obstacles in the free movement of the workers in the member states.


EU citizenship

Any person who has the nationality of any European Union's country is an EU citizen. This citizenship gives several rights to the citizens including the right to move free around the region and settle anywhere as desired. And last but not the least, the citizens can file a petition to the Parliament, apply to the Ombudsman or write to any institution within the EU.

Right to free movement

This right is one of the most visible rights for the citizens. 11 million EU citizens today take advantage of this right. Many travel between the countries for business and tourism purposes without any checks in the Schengen areas. The nationals have the right to freely move from one Member State to the other and get employment or trade between the States.

Free movement rights for the workers

Free movements of the workers between the States and giving them basic freedom are one of the basic rights given by the Community Law. This is the most important aspect of the Case law in the European Union and has remained vital since it was established in 1957. According to Article 45-46 TEFU, the workers have the right to look for employment in different member states in the EU. They can work anywhere they like, they may reside there, remain there and have equal treatment being given access to employment and proper working conditions and getting proper integration in the Member States. The limitations and the concept behind this law are stated described in the EU Court of Justice according to which Europe shall not be made at once, it shall be made through achievements from time to time, and one of the achievements lie in the fact that workers must be allowed to settleand ...
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