Frederick W. Smith

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Frederick W. Smith

Frederick W. Smith


Frederic Smith is an American businessman. He is the founder and CEO of Federal Express that is the world's biggest express-delivery of mail by air and ground transportation. He is also one of the richest entrepreneurs of the world.


Frederick Wallace Smith, inventor of the global express mail, is the person who is extremely secretive. Probably, so ideal and should be a postman, he is very calm, balanced, bereguschim strictly their own and it is logical to assume other people's secrets. As Acme of perfection, this is when trusted postman letters, packets and parcels reach their destination quickly and without loss. The company Federal Express does just that.

Frederic Wallace Smith was born in 1944 in Memphis in a wealthy family. His father owned a bus line linking the city of several southern states of America. As soon as the baby was four years old, his father died, and raising her son fell on the shoulders of the mother. Two uncles of Frederic helped his mother in this while his two older brothers and two older sisters also did great work for him. Assisted him so that most of the time the boy was left to himself and to know the world without assistance. As acknowledged by Smith, to some extent, he replaced his father coach the football team and an English teacher (Geci, John 1997).

After school youth, he got enrolled in the Faculty of Economics at Yale University. One of his course works was devoted to logistics in companies related to the information business. Already a propagation of computers, and any problems with equipment meant for the companies huge losses. But keep in stock all spare parts for computers that can afford very few. Therefore, Smith offered to create a system of express delivery, which would move the parts from door to door in one night, using for this purpose transport aircraft (Buttner, Brenda 2003).

Professor evaluated student work "on the C grade." He considered the possibility of such a project unlikely, since it does not see the need to change the traditional mode of transportation of goods. At that time it was decided to carry mail and parcels directly into the cabin of passenger aircraft, placing them on any free seats. But Frederick was not confused and he began to think seriously about the personification of his idea.

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