Frederick Douglass

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Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Describe the role of the autobiography in the abolitionist movement (introduction of Narrative). Why was authenticity so important to Douglass? What steps did he take to prove the authenticity of his story?

Abolitionist Frederick Douglass was the most differentiated and influential very dark managers of the nineteenth century. Douglass concentrated his writings on the harshness and brutality of slavery. He recounts in numerous of his publications anecdotes of his own knowledge as a slave. A book reader is adept to see a clear likeness of slavery through Douglass' words. His writings interpret the consequences of slavery and the labor to overthrow it, as well as the status of free blacks both before and after the Emancipation, the government of the Civil War, and the failed pledge of Reconstruction the followed. Douglass composed an autobiography to display every individual the inhumane edge of slavery (Douglass, 2001). Most persons did not understand of slavery's brutality until Douglass composed about it. Douglass composed about the Civil War to get more persons to assist save and free the slaves. Douglass believed that education was key to African Americans improve their lives. For this reason, it was an early advocate for the desegregation of schools. He stated that inclusion in the education system was a more pressing need for African Americans that political issue such as suffrage. He has also gone well with the editor of a series of newspapers (Ruffin, 2008).

Why was literacy so important to Douglass? Why did slave owners strictly forbid the education of slaves? How was Douglass able to achieve an education?

From the starting of a slave's childhood, experts educate their slaves about God. Slaves were notified that God made whites to be experts and blacks to be ...
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