Frankenstein To Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

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Frankenstein and the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Frankenstein and the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


This paper's main goal is to compare and contrast Mary Shelley's ``Frankenstein ' and Robert Louis Stevenson's ``Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr .Hyde ' In alignment to manage so, the Romantic Literature and Victorian Gothic Literature will be characterized and pin-pointed alongside the presentation of the novels in alignment for the reader to understand the similarities and the differences of both classic works.

Compare And Contrast

One of the pleasures of reading a classic is when it is able to surprise you even though you understand, or at least believe you understand the whole story. That was the case with the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson which I had of course been aware of my whole life and which I had previously began to read but stopped as I identified that it was in writing in the style of a mystery but with a surprise finish that I was already very aware of. This time though I determined to push a bit deeper into the story and I began to discover things that didn't rather fit with the story that I had been expecting.

One of the first things that seemed strange to me is that Mr. Hyde is actually considerably smaller than Dr. Jekyll and while I knew that they really did gaze distinct I had always imagined Dr. Hyde as a large and dangerous man and yet it makes flawless sense for the man to be both junior and smaller than the other if you understand the basic metaphor of the story.

The key to this story understands that it is as much a metaphor as it is a story. The man of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are the parts of a man's soul and the only real confrontation in the story is the confrontation of man in him and it is a feeling that every man who has ever dwelled has faced. The information of what he should manage and the desire to manage that and yet at the same time the pleasure a man has in managing things which could be considered bad makes it tough to every completely defeat that part of a man. At the same time though the fact that we suppress it is what makes it both smaller and weaker when it does become real.

This is a classic story for a reason and the fact that a person knows that the story is of two men who are actually one man does not require to wreck the story because the reality is that that is only one of the ideas in the story and in many ways it is the less important story while the idea of a man who is able to convey out the aspects of his soul and that alone makes it well worth ...
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