Frankenstein Effect: Monster

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Frankenstein Effect: Monster


Frankenstein as the monster presented by Mary Shelley was characterized by a horrific appearance and thus it represents an acute case of a typical monster. His different devilish acts have gone a long way in presenting himself as a dangerous monster and thus his fellow beings are in fear of the monstrous presence in the case of Frankenstein. The importance of acts committed by monsters would be studied more closely with the analysis of Frankenstein as a monster. The violent acts as prevalent in Frankenstein's personality would be discussed extensively in this paper. Frankenstein has been relied upon as one of the critical actors shaping the essence of the script and as a result the audience would be able to gather increased awareness of the world of monsters (Shelley, 2008).


Frankenstein has been known to be a highly violent monster as it has been portrayed in such a manner. Mary Shelley uses Frankenstein as a monster to show the evil tactics which different monsters can use. Monsters have different thought processes through which they act upon their evil habits. By applying the core personality attributes in the case of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley has presented a significant analysis of monsters (Shelley, 2008).

Classic Horror Frankenstein begins with the story of the creature that escapes the control of its creator. The story of Victor Frankenstein, a victim of his inordinate ambition scientific, leads the reader to a level of tension and psychological terror seldom seen in the literature, and also surprised by philosophical debates raised (Shelley, 2008).

However, the point of contention is that such an individual would not be having any access to contemporary technology which might be hugely significant for shaping the essence of his art work. Thus his works of art would be outdated and might not be interesting ...