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The tale of Frankenstein is a timeless and classic story of the genius of a man, who finally learns the secret of life. With the passion to create his own destiny and achieve the greatest feat in the history of mankind, Dr. Frankenstein finally learns the secret of life and creates a glimpse of a living man. He hoped that with the knowledge of possessing the secret of life, he would be able to create a magnificent feat. However the lust for the forbidden knowledge and venturing into the unchartered territory led Dr. Victor to create a monster, who knew nothing about the value of life or how to find his place in the world. The biggest lesson that the classic tale of Frankenstein teaches us is that the lusty for knowledge can become a destructive force, is the person doesn't think about the eventual objective of the knowledge (Shelley, 1978). Knowledge by itself is a wonderful entity, which is responsible for the majority of the advancements and the progress that the mankind had been able to experience but in the wrong field and the wrong hand this tool had also been a source of destruction and harm for the world. It is the technology and knowledge in weaponry and advanced warfare that has made the concept of human struggle and conflict a truly notorious and terrible force.

Frankenstein's Relation to the Contemporary Society

Hence the example provided by the timeless tale of Frankenstein provides a lesson to the modern world that if the objective or the end of the pursuit of knowledge is not considered as the primary source of motivation, Knowledge can take the place of a monster (Zimmerman, 2003). At the end the monster created by Dr. Frankenstein was not truly an evil entity, rather it was only a confucse4d being who was completely clueless about his role on the world, and what purpose that he se4rvced in the human world. His creation was completely unnatural in nature and due to the fact that he did not have any other mate in the world, he was only a lonely beast, who was only accruing according to his misguided nature. Hence the scientists and the intelligentsia in the modern world should look at the real world application and not the repercussions of the pursuit of knowledge before they seek to venture in to any activity. If they do not look at the repercussions, the result can be the formation of a monster created by knowledge.


The most interesting factor regarding the monster created by the emotionally and obsessive Dr. Frankenstein is that the story cannot be treated as completely fictional in nature. It is obvious that the creation of an actual monster is a fictional and supernatural activity, which might transcend the scientific leanings; however this story can be taken as a metaphor for the human condition. It is the human behavior of seeking for greater knowledge at all costs which has led to the negative after effects ...
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