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Science with all its discoveries has benefitted the mankind in all aspects. Given as a concept in Mary Shirley's novel Frankenstein, the vast discoveries of science are discussed along with the fear of its possible hazards in case it is left uncontrolled. Mary Shelley's instinctive insight of science is evidently visible in the concept it entails. Shelley has successfully dramatized the whole phenomenon of the advents in the field of science and its possible threats to mankind. Speaking of her imaginative mind she tells a tale which may not be a novel idea in the 21st century but it surely would have been something 'out of this world' when it was released 200 years ago (Storment, S. 2002). She views knowledge as an influential unit demonstrating the fear that science may become inevitably harmful if left abandoned. Another aspect the novel covers reflects the human nature and circling around the emotion s of people with unattractive features and the treatment they receive from the society.

In this paper we aim to discuss the two diverse factors discussed in the novel, there relation in the novel and the impact it may cast on an individual's life.


The marvels of science discussed in the novel Frankenstein is a work of great knowledge and wisdom. The ideas are carried out in a beautiful way that does not just tells a story, indeed the different aspects also carries various different meanings in it. The phenomenon of the blessings and possible threats of science that are now a debating subject in the 21st century were no wondering her proposal. The text of the story plays an important role in grabbing a reader which tells a story of marvelous creation attributed to the advents of science (Storment, S. 2002). The creature as described in the novel has all the resemblance to the present sci-fi monsters which can bring the level of destruction to the world that a modern science fiction creation can do. Also the reasons in the story's context are that is that ugly people get ostracized by the social behaviors as described in (Devereaux, M. 2005). The richly descriptive text helps the reader understand the feelings of a person with less attractive looks and the way he is treated by the society.

Fear of Science as depicted in the Novel

Describing the first part of this discussion, there can be absolutely no doubt that the all the science fiction stories, which have now inspired the Modern Readers and thinkers stems to Frankenstein. This novel is considered as the first science fiction work of the history which outlines the various innovations in the field of science and technology later in the seventeenth, eighteenth and the nineteenth centuriesc (Storment, S. 2002). Explicitly the breakthrough in the innovation of electricity is one of the main ideas; one can retrieve from the novel. The story revolves around the well known scientist of his age Benjamin Franklin who was studying technical properties of electricity in the 17th century (Storment, ...
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