Francois Doucet Chocolate Company

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Francois Doucet Chocolate Company

François Doucet Confectionary is situated in Oraison, in south of France. They take full advantage of the sunny weather in the area. The range of product is made from fruits (apricot, pears, apples, quinces, figs, peaches) and almonds grown under the sun in the heart of Provence as well as local honey. FRANCOIS DOUCET Confiseur en Provence Situated in the heart of Provence, the company was created in 1969 by Francois Doucet. He represents the 5th generation of a confectioner's family. François Doucet Confiseur became a dynamic society which knew how to preserve its home-made character. Its range consists of three families of products: Pralinés, Pâtes de fruits and Fruits Enrobés. The origin and the quality are essential elements in the choice of fruits, and more of 70% of fruits which the company uses were harvested in full maturity in region of Provence and nearby regions. The tradition, the quality and the creativity are a part of values which built its fame(Doucet, pp.109-111).

The tradition, the quality, and creativity are among the values that built the reputation of the company, 16 Rubans Bleus have been awarded to Francois Doucet Confectionary by the jury of the Salon International de la Chocolaterie-Confiserie "Intersuc" since 1979.

At the beginning, the first product was the Pralines of provence almonds (made of roasted almonds and coated with nougatine). Quickly François Doucet offered a new range of product with an assortment of pâtes de fruits of apricots and pears from Provence. Quickly François Doucet offered a new range of products with an assortment of pâtes de fruits of apricots and pears from Provence. The range is composed of three kinds of products (Douglas, pp. 33-36): The Pralines, the Pâtes de fruits, and the Fruits enrobés. These families are today completed by an “organic” and a “no addict sugar” range. The origin and the quality are essential for the choice of the fruits. In our supply of fruits, 70% of the fruit come from Provence or neighbouring regions: almonds from Provence, hazelnuts from south of France, apricots and quinces from Haute Provence,, apples and pears from Alpes du Sud, figs from Var, honey from Provence, tangerines from Corse… The tradition, the quality, and creativity are among the values that built the reputation of the company.

On wooden crates, tablets of fruit jellies are waiting to be cut into rectangles, before bagging. In another workshop, hundreds of almonds from ...