Framing The Problem And Basic Principles Of Infectious Diseases

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Framing the Problem and Basic Principles of Infectious Diseases

Framing the Problem and Basic Principles of Infectious Diseases

Assignment 1a - Case


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the infectious diseases and the factors which are used to promote infectious diseases. Infectious diseases have been a great challenge in morbidity, mortality and sequelae for humanity through the centuries. However, the advancement of scientific disciplines used to increase the knowledge of the causative organisms and, above all, the host-pathogen interaction, and achieve great progress in the fight against these diseases, particularly in the twentieth century (Coggon, 2007). Countless are examples, as the discovery and clinical use of antibiotics, which are considered the miracle drug or vaccine development has led to the elimination or significant control of diseases such as smallpox, polio, measles, Haemophilus influenzae invasive disease, and so on.

Factors Promoting the Infectious Diseases

The emergence of any disease is preceded by three main factors:

environmental conditions favorable for the emergence and occurrence of a disease;

weakening of the immune system of fish due to inconsistencies in environmental conditions and requirements of their increased susceptibility to disease;

the presence of the pathogen.

Infectious diseases are those that are amongst many in society killing thousands of people. As members of society, one hears about the various diseases that occur amongst people around us. Continuously one tends to not realize the number of deaths that occur from these diseases.

Today, five main factors favor the occurrence or recurrence (when the disease had disappeared from a region) of these diseases:

the change of land use as agricultural intensification, deforestation etc.;

the decrease in genetic diversity of farms in promoting such a livestock breed compared to others;

the increased trade that favor the spread of pathogens such as vector species;

the development of infrastructure such as the creation of artificial lakes, for example;

the climate change that will influence the evolution of communities of insect vectors, the multiplication of pathogens and reservoir species, and the lowered resistance of the target species.

Therefore, after a century of fighting infectious diseases with vaccines and antibiotics and multiple public health measures, they remain a threat to global public health and therefore remain a priority to know more in detail the host-microorganism to develop better methods of prevention and control (Watson, 2007).

One of the infectious diseases is HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS is a very dangerous disease that is life threatening to anyone that catches it. It eventually will be the reason that one dies, due to the fact that it does not have a cure. It is a very serious illness, which must always be taken care of in order to prevent it from getting worse, or from transmitting to other people that they come in contact with. It is important to understand this disease, and be able to use knowledge when you already are positive for HIV/AIDS. The only way to protect you from this disease is to be abstinent with sexual intercourse. This knowledge has also allowed the development of ...
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