Founding Fathers

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Founding Fathers and Democracy

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Founding Fathers and Democracy


The founders are people not only crucial in the process of creating a bureaucratic institution, but also in the birth of the very idea of institution. Founding father of the United States of America are the people who believe in the independence, so they are the ones who sign all the declaration of independence. It can also be said that they sign the Constitution of the United States of America. These people also participate in the American Revolution as Patriots. For Europe, understood as the European Union, are considered the founding fathers of the French Jean Monnet, the French German Robert Schuman, the Italian Altiero Spinelli and Alcide De Gasperi, the Belgian Paul Henri Spaak, the German Conrad Adenauer (Lambert, 2006). Then there are the forerunners of all the founding fathers of the putative, on the one hand Aristide Briand, who proposed to found the United States of Europe, never to repeat the disastrous experience of the Great War, the other of Nikolas Richard, founder of Pan Europe Movement, whose work has greatly inspired the European integration process.

Founding fathers are the fathers who sign the declaration of independence. They believe in democracy, so they also want independence in the country (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007). They make sure that the constitution does not say anything against the freedom of people. They should get their rights, and democracy should be followed throughout the country. This is the aim of these founding fathers.


The word democracy comes from ancient Greek word, and was coined in Athens in the century from the words "demos" that can be translated as "people" and the word which means power or government. However, the significance of the term is much more complex. The word "demos" seems to have been a neologism derived from the fusion of the words demiurges and geo. Some thinkers consider democracy Athenian as the first example of an autonomous system. Other thinkers have criticized this conclusion, arguing for one side in both the tribal as in ancient civilizations around the world there are examples of democratic political systems, and, moreover, that only a small minority of 10% of the population was entitled to participate in the call Athenian democracy, are automatically excluded the majority of workers, peasants, slaves and women.

Democracy in its purest form known as the direct democracy. Decisions got made by the sovereign people in ...
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