Foundations Of Research

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Foundations of Research


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Foundations of Research” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Foundations of Research” and its relation with “research analysis”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Foundations of Research” and tries to gauge its effect on “research analysis”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Foundations of Research” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Foundations of Research” on “research analysis”.

Table of Contents


Foundations of Research4


Nature of research: scientific and philosophical underpinnings4

Approach to inquiry: induction versus deduction4

Belief about truth: positivism and empiricism5

Types of Data: numeric versus narrative data5

Use of Data: testing hypothesis versus generating hypothesis and building theory6

What are the two rationales for using a mixed methods approach?6


Foundations of Research


For this paper, we shall be covering the accounts of credibility and influence of the foundation of research in a wholesome context. The main core objective of framing and highlighting this paper is to understand and highlight the influences that research has upon designing and framing qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research. In this paper, we shall be answering core questions as per the instructions intended, and try to gauge the most basic questions regarding the code of conduct of research and analysis.

Nature of research: scientific and philosophical underpinnings

When it comes to understanding and comprehending the ebbs and flows of quantitative and qualitative data, the first and most important question that needs to be answered implies the nature of research. Keeping in mind of the research conducted, one needs to align their scope of study, clarify their basic aims and objectives and then ultimately make way for the importance and significance of covering the overall research in order to understand its purpose. For qualitative study, more introvert and innate factors shall be covered while conducting the research and at the same time making effective amends to assure that all traits and characteristics regarding the subject or topic of discussion should be catered. On the other hand, in the light of quantitative data, facts, figures, numeric records and graphical representations regarding the subject matter needs to be highlighted in order to tailor and sew the overall research.

Approach to inquiry: induction versus deduction

In the light of qualitative research, introductory texts regarding the research, the ins and outs of the research conducted, a scientific or philosophical methodology (as mentioned above) and finally ...
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