Foster Families

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Foster Families

Foster Families


The ' foster care is an institution of civil US and Canada that is based on a temporary measure that is aimed at children and young people up to eighteen years of Canadian or foreign, who are in situations of family instability. With foster care, the child is welcomed in a family that requests it. The expectation is therefore a service to help create and support a view of protecting children's rights, ensuring the child has the right to grow up in a family that can meet their educational needs and emotional, unable to meet its needs , in reference to personal and family situation and its specific problems. In Canada the expectation is governed by Law no. 184, May 4, 1983 which was later amended by Law no. 149 of 28 March 2001 .


Responsibilities of the foster family 

The foster family will then have the task of assuring the maintenance, education, education and emotional relationships, and therefore meet the needs of the child in need. Establishment of trust with the family, the foster family will not be considered as parents direct the child. The award is not a substitute for legal and / or social to the family of origin but a parallel may supply support functions, for the time necessary to the family "dysfunctional" in overcoming the problems and find a suitable family environment for the development of the child .

Causes of the decision to entrust 

The reasons for this measure is generally adopted are different. In general the expectation is required when there are problems that disrupt the order, harmony and peace within the family of origin. In most cases the problems can be: illness, imprisonment, drug abuse, neglect or violence to the child by family members.

How do you become foster 

They can offer the availability to custody has married couples with children or without, both unmarried persons. The law does not establish limits of age compared to the foster child or income. Thus there are other essential requirements that can be summarized as:

a space in their lives and their homes to accommodate another person;

the availability and affective skills education to accompany for a stretch of road more or less along a child or a child without the pretense of helping him to change it but to develop their potential and enhancing its resources;

awareness of the presence and importance of the family of origin in the child's life. Another important task is precisely to treat and maintain relationships with family of origin so that we can promote the reintegration of the child .

The rights 

the child has a right to be heard, informed and prepared prior to the award, has the right to maintain relationships with family and maintaining links with the foster family even at the end of foster care, where there are no contraindications;

The foster family has the right to be informed about the purpose of trust and to be involved in the phases of the project has the right to have individual support and group also has the right to have a monthly income and released to have facilities for ' access to health services, education and social services;

the family of origin is entitled to be informed about the purpose ...
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