Forgiveness In Christianity

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Forgiveness in Christianity


In the Christians life, Forgiveness plays an integral part. By thoughts, deeds, words we usually offend god by these ways; and we also offend by doing sinful acts of the social and religious dimensions that offends God and his teachings. Our relationship with God is taint and stained by the sins that we do. Hence, God's forgiveness and mercy is always a thing that all people wants from his and constantly seek. In human relationship the conflicts abound, the need and call for the reconciliation and forgiveness is inevitable presence of conflict in relationship of human. In the Christian life, forgiveness is virtue. To practice forgiveness, admittedly, it is difficult for people. However, it is inconceivable not to forgive, as Christians who offend us. To forgive and reconcile is the biblical injunction. It is prayed by us 'The Christians' that, God. Forgive our sins as we forgive those who do sins against us. However, the reconciliation and forgiveness do not come in hand easily. In this report, our aim is to put light on the Forgiveness and its impact on people and what the Christian teaching are for forgiving someone of his or her wrong doings and sins.

Table of Content

Thesis Statement4



Forgiveness and Reconciliation7

Forgiveness and Other Processes8

Benefits of Forgiveness8

Forgiveness Interventions9




Forgiveness in Christianity

Thesis Statement

Forgiveness is the act of pardoning and generosity, to help the victim to wash his sins and for the wrong-doers. After the offense have been wiped out, the two persons now are in harmony and brotherhood as they were before they performed any offense and there is no damage in the relationship between them.


It is noticeable that human performance is typically based on the religious interference. It is implemented in many religions regardless of Christianity. After the earthly life, one whose performance is good enough in the eyes of God, will go to the heave or another desirable Eden and will naturally have a good, sound life on Earth. It is a game of standard; if our performance is not good enough with our own kind we will be rejected by the higher being and will eventually go to hell or any unpleasant place where no one would like to go. In contrast to other religions, Christianity teaches that to be accepted into the kingdom of God, nobody is that good enough to be accepted and we, therefore, be accepted by only mercy and grace of God which is only possible through the following of Jesus Christ.

Within the nature of the relationship and relation context, forgiveness usually occurs (like, quality and closeness) which is related to the forgiveness. Ironically, we are most likely to get hurt by one those who are close to us and to our hearts. When transgressions in our interpersonal relationship occurs then elicit negative and strong feelings are developed that potentially disrupt our relationship(s). It is the magic of forgiveness, which our religion teaches us to forgive as the Lord forgave us. It is the action of informing a guilty that has been at ...
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