Forensic Accountant

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Forensic Accountant

Forensic Accountant


This initial phase is capital for the subsequent success of the investigation. Inquiries should be rigorous, meticulous and techniques. At the beginning of this, there is always a physical point. Being a homicide is the location of the body, even if it has been displaced. If a theft by breaking and entering, the place visited by criminals, in a robbery, the scene of the attack, and so on. Sometimes the physical point has not been discovered when the investigation has begun. Thus having addressed the situation, the investigation accountant must obtain those involved first specifying the alterations that occurred in the scene, and manipulated by medical personnel away from debris and objects that are not put back in place. Nobody touch anything (Rule of Gold), or move on protected areas before the arrival of the Technical Police. The Golden Rule refers to the scene of the crime and says "Do not touch, change or alter anything, or allow someone else to do until the scene has been documented, measured and photographed, it depends largely on the success or failure (Sullivan, Agardy, Traub, 2001).


Ideally, researchers at the scene of the crime they have received comprehensive training in forensic work quickly take in the scene. However, there are situations that may be necessary for first responders at the scene of the crime (of which are not normally expected to perform more diligence differences in the same place) to carry out some basic procedures for collecting evidence before the arrival of investigators from the crime scene where there risk of destruction, loss or contamination of evidence (Walker, Cram, 1990).

Investigation Situations

In situations where there is no possibility that the steps to be performed at the crime scene investigators carried out the crime scene, perhaps have to expand the roles of first responders, as well as those of conservation and documentation (Heilbronner, 2005). These situations often occur when the scene crime is in a remote and not easy to find research experts available, or when the response of the criminal justice system is flawed. The investigation of the crime requires a more complex technical police, leading to develop methods of modern scholarship (Saks, Koehler, 2010). Thus emerges as essential adjunct of criminal law. We can say it is a science human as it is done by humans but aided by all the sciences, to make it more effective and fewer mistakes. The nature of forensic science is explanatory.

All the sciences that they collaborate with her show tend to get an answer logical and coherent, rational criminals unknowns. All laws of the world are justified when an innocent is punished. The researcher's work is a cold work, without emotion that may lead to errors. To investigate, think and for that we must put aside personal estimates, individual reasons, to objectify the facts. Today an individual suspect is convicted on the basis of tangible evidence, fingerprints, evidence and testimony; and so on discover these signs are a task for specialists.

Commonly in the crime scene reveals the ...
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