Foreign Policy

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Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy


It has been observed in the starting of the twentieth century that U.S was not as dominant global force as it was in the earlier times. The injuries of the civil war had started healing, but the policy of United States was not participating in international economic and political relations. The success of Theodore Roosevelt's nationalism and Spanish-American War started the slow growth of United States as a world greatest power. The world's two biggest wars were devastated the Far East and Europe, and U.S gained victory from World War II only for facing the superpower of Soviet and the continuous warnings of nuclear annihilation. In the early 1990s, with the break down of the Soviet Union, U.S concluded twentieth century as a single superpower and delighted the extraordinary economic dominion over the entire world.


In the earlier years of 1990, it seemed that the impact of Reagan tax cut and deregulation started spoiling the inner pillars of the nation (Salisbury, 2007). The government insurers granted millions of deposits and the administration of Bush devised a program to repay those depositors and therefore, they sold 100 of offices, apartment to the down real estate market. On the other hand, Clinton preferred domestic issues in the state's foreign policy (Salisbury, 2007). However, the 21st Century was also dominated for U.S power but thus far shielded by the danger of international terrorism. The invasion of cheap mobile communication and internet has strengthened many people, but these things also increased the ratio of terrorists and radicals for easily coordinating devastating attacks and recruiting members for cruel attacks. The paradigm switched from the conflict between to the idea of combating with organizations and individual groups across the globe. With no boundaries or borders, the reality of new international demonstrates no less challenge for the policy makers and military of US. Today, the president of US has numerous devices at his disposal in carrying foreign policy. It has been observed that Ambassadors, Diplomats and other advisors are greatly fulfilling and using their roles as they used to do in the earlier centuries (Huntington, 1993).

It has been predicted that U.S would face the challenge in the coming years which seems to be a complete removal from the challenges of twentieth century. For instance, the challenge of USSR from which Kennedy suffered was also a great challenge of the international slave trade that was faced by Lincoln. ...
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