The social identity theory was first propounded by Henri Taifel and John Turner. This theory was introduced during the mid of 1970s and 1980s. The main motive of the social identity theory is to develop the concept of exploring the identity of an individual. To explore the identity of an individual is very much important for maintaining and developing the self identification. The meaning of social identity can be taken as the part of self concept of an individual connected with the particular social class or group. The concept of social identity gives a reason to explore the behaviour of different groups prevailing in the society (VOHS, 2007).
The Social Identity Theory gives a lot of chances to understand and explore different ways and means to understand the behaviour of the society. There are many ways initiated in the Social Identity theory which can be very helpful and supportive to explore the identity of an individual and also the identity of a group as a whole. It has many social benefits because in the development and maintenance of the social order it is very much necessary to make a thorough system which can be helpful to recognize and identify the character of an individual (ARMSTRONG, 2001).
The Three-Stage Process in Social Identity Theory
In the Social identity Theory there are certain stages which can be helpful and supportive in order to accomplish the process explained in social identity theory. The processes in Social Identity theory are very much well defined which play an important role in exploring the identity of an individual. The identity of an individual is very much important to explore, therefore, social identity is very much important which gives many benefits to the society. There are three stage process in social identity theory which are discussed further (JACKSON, 2010).
Social categorization
The term social categorization means the division of the social world into many different classes. This is a stage of the process of social identity in which the society is classified on the basis of some particular traits and characters. There are many levels on which the society can be classified and the classification of the social world into many different classes is known as social categorization. The social categorization is one of the most crucial stages in the process of social identity. In Social Identity theory there are many ways and means discussed to categorize the social world (KAHLE, 2004).
Social identification
Social identification is one of the most important stage in the process of social identity. There are many ways discussed in the theory of social identity which can be very helpful and supportive to explain the meaning of social identification. The meaning of social identification is locating an individual that what is the position of an individual in the society. It is very much important to identify an individual's position in the social world in order to recognize and to categorize the social world as a whole (LASSEGARD, ...