Food Democracy

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Food Democracy in Public Health

Food Democracy in Public Health


Food security or food democracy is a well debate topic in recent era and majority of the people are concern about this fact that current food crisis has impacted much of human health. According to research, 45% of the population is being living on two dollars per day or may be much less (Lawrence, 2011, p. n.d). Rising in food prices has stress more than two billion people across the globe and this situation has been expected to be more worsen due to rise in price, change in climate i.e. increase in frequency of disaster and decisions of policy maker such as authorization in bio-fuel quotas which further reinforce strong price association among fuel and foods. Hence, the focus of this paper would be on food democracy for public health practice.


From birth of Rachel Carson and since 45 years, world has been facing a challenging visions of the food future. Hence, this shows that great advances have been made in long-struggle in order to meet demand of people, but, the situation does not justify this fact. According to the policy-maker, they have been viewing health as a function of physiological mechanisms such as biology, bodies, inputs and outputs and these can easily be fixed within the frame work of Ecological Public Health (Gerwin, 2011, p. 15).

They further state that, health as being a function of ecological relationships, this comprises of Human, planetary and hence societal. Furthermore, according to Lang Policy Expert that when disease breakout, it is always the result of managing four domains i.e. the environment, biological, human-interaction and hence the culture in which we are living (Lang, 2005, p. 730).

Principles at Stake

As world is facing food crisis, Tim Lang has proposed four principle ...
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