Food & Beverages Management

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Food and Beverages Operations Management

1.1 Characteristics of food Production2

Characteristics of Food and Beverage Service systems2

Conventional (Cook to Serve) Foodservice System2

Satellite Foodservice System2

Ready-Prepared Foodservice system3

Convenience (Assembly-Serve) Foodservice System3

1.2 Factors affecting menus for these systems3

1.3 Cost and Staffing Implications3

1.4 Different Systems for Different Outlets4

3.1 Menu for a Hospitality Event5

3.2 Selection of Recipes5

4.1 Food and Beverage Services for Hospitality Event6

4.2 Quality, Health, Safety and Security7

4.3 Recommendations8

Food and Beverages Operations Management

1.1 Characteristics of food Production

The first place were food comes from is plants and animals, and there are mainly three different methods of food production.

Modern food production

There is a constant increase in the demand for food, thus, modern farming methods aim at maximizing production, and conserving water and soil. In this method of production, farmer use many fertilizers and pesticides, etc.

Organic food production

Organic food is processed without the use of synthetic pesticides, strong fertilizers, growth hormones etc. Customers consider organic food to be healthier as compared to other types. .


Biotechnology is the art of manipulating breeding, so that the desired traits are brought out in plants and animals. This enhances the food quality.

Characteristics of Food and Beverage Service systems

There are mainly four different types of food and beverage service systems.

Conventional (Cook to Serve) Foodservice System

This type of system is generally found in restaurants. In this food is prepared in the same premises where it is delivered to customers, and it is prepared closest to when orders are placed.

Satellite Foodservice System

This type of service is usually found in airlines or schools. In this system, large quantity food is prepared in central kitchen from scratch. The food is then delivered to other areas, such as airlines via transportation. This food has to be kept in a frozen state and reheated when before serving it to the customers.

Ready-Prepared Foodservice system

In this type of system food is prepared within the premises where is served, but the difference between this system as opposed to the conventional system is that food is prepared in bulk and then frozen.

Convenience (Assembly-Serve) Foodservice System

This type of service is provided in convenience grocery stores. No food production is done in the premises where the food is offered to customers. For example, soft drinks offered at a grocery store are purchased in their fully prepared from factories.

1.2 Factors affecting menus for these systems

When the food is prepared in the premises and at kitchens of restaurants, there is a huge variety in the menu. The menus are also flexible in the sense, that there might be a new specialty dish each day. The recipes do not have to be strictly followed, and customers can tell the servers which extra ingredients they want or do not want in their dishes.

Satellite foodservice and Ready-Prepared food service systems produce food in bulk, which results in an inflexible menu. The Convenience foodservice systems do not have any control over the food they serve, like soft-drinks or candies, and thus, have no idea about the ...
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