Food & Beverage Management

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Food and Beverage Operations Management in Hilton Hotels & Resorts



Task 1 - Food and Beverage (F&B) Systems1

Task 1.1 - Characteristics of Food Production2

Task 1.2 - Factors Affecting Recipes and Menu for Specific Systems7

Task 1.3 - Comparison of Cost and Staffing Implications8

Task 1.4 - Suitability of Systems for F&B Outlets9

Task 2 - Financial Controls for Food and Beverage Operations10

Task 2.1 - Use of Financial Statements in the Operations of Food and Beverage10

Task 2.2 - Use of Cost and Pricing Processes12

Task 2.3 - Analysis of Purchasing Process13

Task 3 - Devising Menu for Hospitality Events14

Task 3.1 - Compilation of Food and Beverage Menus15

Task 3.2 - Selection and Suitability of Recipes for Menus16




Appendix A - Figures21

Appendix B - Tables24

Food and Beverage Operations Management in Hilton Hotels & Resorts


The paper aims at evaluating the food and beverage operation management in Hilton Hotels. The paper inspects effectiveness and valuable features of F&B operations in three tasks. The task one inspects food and beverage system of Hilton Hotels by identifying their food and production characteristics, recipe and menu selection, cost and staffing implication and system suitability for specific outlets. In the task two, the paper examines use of financial statements for F&B operations of Hilton Hotels. In addition to this, the paper inspects cost and pricing processes and purchasing process for Hilton Hotels. In the task three, the paper compiles food menu for a hospitality event by justifying suitability of menu recipes. Finally, the paper draws conclusion on the overall assessment of F&B operations management in Hilton Hotels and Resorts.


Task 1 - Food and Beverage (F&B) Systems

Cousins et. al. (2011, p. 164) has defined service of food and beverage as a difficult job. They claim that little attention has been paid to the provisions of high quality services and technical skills. At Hilton Hotels, the organization has always created an integrated relationship between the quality of food and beverage systems and qualified staff.

Figure 1: Cycle of Food and Beverage (CTH, 2010, p. 16)

In agreement with Cousins et. al. (2011, p. 164), Hilton management assures induction of food and beverage staff on the basis of three basic requirements including profound knowledge of product, competent technical skills, team work and social skills.

Task 1.1 - Characteristics of Food Production

Some of the basic characteristics of Food Production are to carry out a labour intensive agricultural activity and make the chef's to prepare food for the customers. The modern and technological changes have created many changes in the food production industry to build a commercial movement of the variety in food items. There are many other components along with the food production which are interrelated such as the regulation, education, Research & Development (food technology), Financial Services, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Food Processing, Marketing, Wholesale & Distribution and Retail. These all components work under the modern food industry where there is high performing machinery that are shortening up time and processing food to make a new form of a food item to serve to the ...
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