Food And Diet

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Food and Diet

Food and Diet


In this assignment, we are going to discuss the media and its usage, food and diet, advertisement by the food chains of UK, how it impacts the society (advantages and disadvantages), health modules, government`s policies and procedures and the case studies to justify the writings. In today's world every day there are many different events that are constantly systematized, have a psychological impact on society. We constantly need to receive and process incoming information first on the basic level, then harder and harder, because as information takes many values that are sometimes difficult to recognize the person themselves. The media (the media) are introduced in the course of human affairs around the world highlight the latest information and social problems. Do not forget about the phenomenon as advertising, which for several centuries are closely linked with the concept of the media.

Almost from its inception, electronic media (in addition to the function of information to readers about the events and take the service function of goods and services) publishing the pages of newspapers and magazines and helping other mediums of media. Already in the XVII century English newspapers began to charge for the distribution of such commercial information. With the rise of mass media channels, first radio, newspapers, magazines, and then the electronic media made it easy for the big guns in the industry to present their products and attract their targeted audience.

Media is increasingly seen as a platform for the rapid and effective dissemination of information about the product and their manufacturing companies. With the development of market relations and the emergence of a dense competitive environment, the media looks more than a battle place than an informative one. Advertising has long been a full part of media content.

Today advertising allows for freedom of expression and independence of the media and is the source of various emotions of the society. It should be remembered that the media and advertising have a negative impact, affecting above all the spiritual health of all humanity.

The media today have an increasing impact on the psychological state of the people, especially children and young people. Aspects of the effects of media are limitless: from "lines" itself, which affect only the basic functions associated with awareness, entertainment, etc., and ending with the methods of influence on a subconscious level that penetrates into the flow of information, can cause public either positive or negative response to a particular situation.



In common "media" divided into the following mediums like television, newspaper, radio and Internet as social media (mass data storage house). The word is commonly used for the press and press reporting channels.

Marshall McLuhan stated in 1964 (media marketing book): “The medium is the message” and mass media were not about “the size of the audience, but of the fact that everybody becomes involved” (p. 349). Media and the channels of media are influencing the consumers ...
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