Following Military Orders That May Be Unethical

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Following Military Orders That May Be Unethical

Following Military Orders That May Be Unethical


There is no such thing as military leadership. As a rule, it is a poor strategy for authors to deny the existence of the very subject matter they intend to examine. The truth is that the military leadership does not exist along the lines of military leader stereotypes popularized for entertainment in television or film—most people's primary source of information about military leadership. In fictional accounts, military leadership tends to be heavily stereotyped as autocratic, dogmatic, and dependent on legitimate authority bestowed by rank in hierarchically rigid organizations. Sometimes the stereotype portrays military leaders as colorful, bold, aggressive, inflexible, or either intolerant of bureaucracy or a key player in it, depending on the plotline or the proclivities of the screenwriter. It is the popular caricature of a military leader that may cause one to assume that the military leadership exists as a style, or that military leaders possess clear patterns of personality characteristics in common. Neither assumption is true. Military leadership is best understood as a comparison to civilian leadership or to leadership in general, using a range of theoretical approaches, from transformational leadership through transactional leadership to even mere laissez-faire supervision.


Military leaders do, however, have more in common with each other than they do with leaders of most other organizations, especially those in the private or social sectors. Our leadership qualities are formed in a progressive and sequential series of carefully planned training, educational, and experiential events. Military leaders tend to hold high levels of responsibility and authority at low levels of the organization. Military leadership is based on values surrounding duty and a service obligation. We view our obligations as a moral responsibility, and we take an oath to that effect. Self-sacrifice is pledged upon occupation of ...
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