Folk Rock Music

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Folk Rock Music

Folk Rock Music

Thesis Statement

Rock folk music the musical paradigm for the common people and was a reaction of the social issues in the society.


The folk rock music is known as the paradigm in the history of music that influenced United States of America in 1960's. It was a medium that conveyed the feeling of people during Great Depression. This time era of music is emphasized with lyrics rather than music but still the melodies of these songs are beautiful. The basic factors that has influences the music, its formation and performer are characterized with the folk and political influences.


Folk rock music can simply be termed as an amalgamation of folk lyrics with rock instruments. It can be more precisely defined as the amalgamation of rock n roll and the folk music. Folk rock music was rebellious songs at the rock and roll beat and harmonies art was the most popular songs during 1960's therefore the Folk rock music marks the time 1960's in UK and USA. This typology of music and paradigm is initiated by a band originating from Los Angeles known as The Byrds.

They started to play the lyrics of the folk music, traditional ballads and material of Bob Dylan with rock instruments that were greatly influenced by The Beatles and some other bands of Britain. This term was first used by the U.S. music press in order to interpret the music that was composed by the The Byrds in June 1965. By the end of the same month, there comes the release of the debut album of the The Byrds'. The milestone for successfully running the folk rock music was “Mr. Tambourine Man” in mid-1960s. There was strong influence on Dylan himself as the recordings of music with electrical rock bands in the ...
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